Homeopathy was a healing approach used by the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Incas, Aztecs and Native Americans. Hippocrates in the 1700’s described it as a medical principle of similars (like cures like). About 200 years ago a German physician and chemist, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, rediscovered the similars principle and developed a scientific method for applying homeopathy to cure his patients. His chemistry background led him to postulate theories far ahead of his time to explain how homeopathy works. Today, researchers are using quantum physics, magnetoelectric energy theory, higher energy vibrational phenomena and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques to develop modern theories to account for the effects of remedies on the body.
Conventional (or allopathic) Western medicine treats isolated symptoms in an ill animal but does not address the underlying susceptibility of that patient to develop disease. The goal of homeopathy is to treat the patient’s symptoms while strengthening the immune system to help resist disease in the future.
Homeopathy is based on the principle of “like cures like”. Meaning that if a substance given to a healthy individual can cause symptoms, then if it is given in minute doses to a sick individual with exactly matching symptoms, the individual will become healthy.
Homeopathy For Animals
Evaluating a sick animal includes noting physical symptoms from a complete physical examination, mental and emotional symptoms, exercise habits, environmental influences (including toxins as well as stressful situations) and diet. All previous medical records are reviewed and sometimes additional tests are recommended as well before therapeutic recommendations are made.
Conventional (or allopathic) Western medicine treats isolated symptoms in an ill animal but does not address the underlying susceptibility of that patient to develop disease. The goal of homeopathy is to treat the patient’s symptoms while strengthening the immune system to help resist disease in the future.