Alternative Veterinary Services LLC is located in North Andover, Massachusetts. Owned by Dr’s Martha and David Lindsay, AVS was created because they had repeatedly seen the limitations of standard medications in over 20 years of conventional small animal practice.  Currently, the AVS office is open 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday by appointment.

Dr. Martha Lindsay DVM graduated from Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1979 and completed a masters degree in 1980. For 21 years she practiced conventional medicine and surgery in
small animals, avian and exotics. In 2000 she began working in behavior medicine for New England Veterinary Behavior Associates in Lexington, Massachusetts. She was certified by the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy in 2006, and by 2008, she had completed the Advanced Clinical Training in Nutrition Response Testing. Dr. Martha then spent 3 years working for her certification in Whole Health Nutrition Education. She regularly lectures about alternative medical treatment options.

R. David Lindsay DVM (Acupuncture) Dr. David Lindsay graduated from Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1979. For 20 years he practiced conventional medicine and surgery in small animals, avian and exotics at the Andover Animal Hospital in Andover, Massachusetts. Dr. Lindsay has practiced acupuncture on small animals, avian and exotics since 1991, completing the Professional Course in Acupuncture from the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society (IVAS) in 1992, and becoming officially Certified early in 1993. In 1999, Dr. Lindsay began using acupuncture as his primay treatment modality. In addition, after attending a course at Tufts University in May-June of 2003 and a Chinese Herbal Medicine course in 2005, Dr. Lindsay is also using (primarily Chinese) herbs in addition to acupuncture for many patients. In 2008, he completed the Advanced Clinical Training in Nutrition Response Testing, and routinely uses it as well.