Red gums or a red gum line bordering the teeth; bad breath
Change of voice or vocalization times
Nasal discharge
Coughing or breathing hard
Appetite – eats little bits and often, finicky, won’t eat meat, will eat cooked meat but not raw meat, eats plastic or ribbon or string or other inedible items, ravenous appetite, change of appetite
Increasing thirst
Vomiting – any type of food, liquid or hairballs; “sensitive stomach” to food changes
Spraying urine, urinating more often, straining to urinate, crying when urinating; running from the litter box after urinating, urinating outside the box
Soft stools, hard or dry stools, change in stool consistency with diet change, running away from the litter box after defecating, passing stools outside the litter box; loose stool after certain foods
Dark discharge around the bases of nails
Itchy skin, dandruff
Rough, dry, lusterless haircoat; a change in hair color
Change in grooming habits
Quarrelsome, aggressive to people or other animals
Change in sleep habits
Weight loss or gain
Behavior changes, interaction changes
Missing hair (bald patches)
Stiffness, lameness, walking more slowly, taking stairs more slowly
More tired or changes in activity
Fears of noises, people, etc.
Skin bumps or tumors
Eye discharge or redness
Nose too dry, loss of pigment, nasal discharge
Ears red or itchy or warm to touch, head shaking, ear discharge
Retained baby teeth
Red gum line bordering teeth; bad breath
Discharge at base of nails, nails crumbly or deformed
Vomiting- “sensitive stomach” after some type of food for example
Eating non-food items such as rocks, sticks, plastic, clothing, feces, etc
Gurgling in abdomen heard often
Passing offensive gas often
Diarrhea or soft stool – might be after only certain foods
Anal gland problems – need to be emptied by the vet or groomer, licking the anus, scooting rear end along the floor
Weight gain or loss
Itchy skin –licking or scratching more, rubbing face or ears, or chewing on body
Noticeable body odor
Warts, lumps
Walking stiffly or lameness, getting up slowly from lying down or sitting positions, difficulty going from standing to sitting position
Behavior problems – fear of noises, people, storms , or of separation from owner; aggression to people or other animals, destructiveness, running away from home, hyperactive or not listening to owner, etc.
Change in interaction with others
Change in urination habits or leaking urine
Loss of pigment of foot pads or nose, haircoat color change
Missing hair in spots
Change in appetite: decreased or ravenous appetite